I'm super happy to have seen SIFT released recently. It recalls some memory from my computer vision course pre-deep-learning era :)
I quickly drafted (it should be double-checked for bugs) such a s…
hey i m struggling with Bag Of Visual Words in java bytedeco ..i cant find any good example of using bag of visual words in java .i know how it works theoritically but dont know how to implement it cu…
Is sparse coding is possible with openimaj? If yes. Then how..? what would be the way when you have the bag of visual words and need to apply sparse coding.
Define and hold very clean terminology in the article!
- image hash (binary string compared by Hamming distance)
- histogram (binary string saved in SOLR/Lucene as it is - example Color)
- histogram w…
Hi, I am using clustering algorithm to cluster all the sift points extracted from 3 images (As I intend to create a code book for bag of visual words). I notice that the generated centroids are diffe…
1. Given a dataset of images, we need to represent them using the bag of SIFT representation. This involves clustering SIFT descriptors into a visual word vocabulary, counting the frequency of descrip…
Hi, mir ist grad noch ne coole Klasse in OpenCV aufgefallen, die mir einfach nen extra Issue Wert war. Die Klasse heißt "BOWTrainer" also BagOfVisualWordsTrainer. Das ist ne Basisklasse für nen Traine…
# 必ずやること
[Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them](https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2015/html/Mahendran_Understanding_Deep_Image_2015_CVPR_paper.html)
Image representat…