Thanks for your time and efforts in coding BSGS for Hash160 ... , The .cpp file needs to be fixed.. There are lot of build errors....
Hi, how would you save progress on a BSGS sequential search? Or start where you left off? Say you searched for 1000 keys and your range was 2000:fffff or something. Would you find a hex calculator and…
Finish up adapting BSGS to 64 bits
very hot demand is there BSGS stride option as we know 120 range is so big and impossible to cover with these days hardware
@albertobsd is it possible to implement BSGS stride?
tarting to prepare BSGS Table with 100000000 elements
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Btc\rsz-main\rsz_rdiff_scan.py", line 221, in
Hi every one, hi JLP i hope you read this.
Current approach for BSGS is more o less the, example:
Target Key 99
known range 75-100 (Like puzzles etc...)
Baby step 5 = { 0,1,2,3,4}
Hi, is there a way to run keyhunt in BSGS random mode and save progress somehow with the goal to not repeat already checked ranges/keys?
When I run the command line in v7 I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dojo/Desktop/bsgs-main/v7_gpu_trial/bsgs_GPU.py", line 123, in
bsgsgpu = cty…
chawla@i3-6100:~/jlp/BSGS$ ./bsgs in.txt
BSGS v1.0
BabyStep:0x40000000 (2^30.00)
Stop :49DCCFD96DC5DF56487436F5A1B18C4F5D34F6…
This is a boundary case, but important for other modules nonetheless. Define
g1 = get_symmetric_group_sgs(0)
g2 = ([], Permutation(1))
g3 = get_symmetric_group_sgs(2)
Currently, `g1 = …