**Describe the bug**
When someone do /dvc start, the server crash
.BIGYan008 issued server command: /dvc start
[02:01:26 INFO]: [voicechat-discord] Started voice chat for .BIGYan008 in channel Vo…
### Describe the false positive and how to replicate it
Right click with the mouse while breaking the block
### Describe the false positive and how to replicate it
### Grim version
> ver GrimAC
[00:18:29 INFO]: GrimAC …
### 服务端版本 LeavesMC Version
This server is running Leaves version 1.21.1-81-master@ec5a806 (2024-11-16T03:56:27Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
### 预期的行为 Expected behavior
### Describe the false positive and how to replicate it
1. Load GrimAC
2. Restart server
3. Always simulation is failed (just walk, sometimes just stay in one place)
Can I just disable Simulat…
priority: 0
- "/spawn"
- "/leave"
- "/addbounty"
- "/lobby"
- "message: &8[&b&lECB&8] &cYou…
### Describe the false positive and how to replicate it
### Grim Log
gl 69: https://paste.grim.ac/ekymcbk
### Server version
pandaspigot 1.8.8
### Client version
It would be quite cool if you added a script for a mc server with plugin support.
Just saying :)
### Expected behavior
The aim is to have no errors when the plugin starts up in 1.21.3.
### Observed/Actual behavior
When I start my server with the latest Paper 1.21.3 version, i've error in my co…
**Describe the bug**
hi when I try to type the '/dvc start' to test out the plugin and it says it does not exist, and when I do the /plugins command that plugin is red
**Expected behavior**
I ex…