Fått eksempel på databehandleravtale fra Chromatic. Venter på svar fra Andreas/arkitekter
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I think it would be cool for us to add chromatic to our project. We can use 5000 snapshots a month for free. What are your thoughts on this @arthvadrr
🔴 Title: Color Memory Challenge
🔴 Tech stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
🔴 Objective: Test the player's ability to remember and replicate sequences of colored lights that increase in length after each ro…
The following AR story keeps producing false positives in Chromatic
[Layout](https://www.chromatic.com/component?appId=637e406971a9af18ddba0505&csfId=ar-layout&buildNumber=6968):[Design: Match Report…
## Adicionar Chromatic para Visualização de Componentes em Desenvolvimento
### Descrição
Esta issue propõe a adição do Chromatic ao nosso projeto para facilitar a visualização e revisão de compone…
## Summary
[Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) と [Chromatic](https://www.chromatic.com/) の導入
- コンポーネントのドキュメント整備ができるようになる
- Storybook におけるドキュメントの主要部分である Story はイメージとしては Python や Rust の doct…
deno 2.0.2
- `deno run -A npm:storybook@latest init` or `npx storybook@latest init` (select vue 3 + vite)
- `deno task storybook`
➜ deno task storybook
Task storyb…
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