作者您好!MAE :从[“Masked Autoencoders: PyTorch 实现”](https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06377)下载预训练的 MAE 模型并将所有文件移动到根目录中。这个是从GitHub上下载预训练的MAE模型吗?如果我下载好了是不是先得需要跑一遍MAE模型呢?这里我还是不太清楚,期待您的回复
CycloneBoy, ohhhhh cycloneboy.
Please uploadddd the code oh please, upload the code 🎵
Written without ChatGPT
Sorry to bother you, may I ask when the code will be uploaded?
Hi! Very interesting work, when would the code be available?
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/Woodpile37/metamask-extension/security/code-scanning/36
This is really interesting work.
Looking for the open source. Hope it will be available soon.
According to the docs,
> - The default code fence will change from
> ````
> ```julia
> # code
> ```
> ````
> to Documenters @example blocks:
> ````
> ```@examples $(name…
could you please let me know when code will release?
Excellent work!