Link: https://navody.digital/zivotne-situacie/osetrovanie-clena-rodiny
fyzická osoba, ktorej vznikla potreba osobného a celodenného ošetrovania alebo osobnej a celodennej starostlivosti po zániku n…
link: https://navody.digital/zivotne-situacie/ukoncenie-zivnosti/krok/podat-danove-priznanie
Keď ukončíte živnosť, podávate v nasledujúcom roku daňové priznanie k dani z príjmov za uplynulý kalendá…
When an active HUAWEI M-Pen lite stylus is used on a HUAWEI MediaPad M5 lite tablet in the Chrome webbrowser, stylus positions are transmitted with defects shown in the screenshots below. The blue lin…
Link: https://navody.digital/zivotne-situacie/prihlasenie-k-dani-z-motoroveho-vozidla/krok/vyplnit-a-podat-tlacivo
In the case of electronic submission, it is necessary [to log in to your account …
need to fix bugs
### What would you like to be added?
Introduce two new metrics to enhance the observability of development and release cycles:
Lead Time Metrics:
Work Item Lead Time: Time from work item creation…
link: https://navody.digital/zivotne-situacie/osetrovanie-clena-rodiny/krok/poziadat-o-osetrovne
Stiahnite si z [webu Sociálnej poisťovne formulár](https://www.socpoist.sk/ext_dok-19032020-np-ziado…
A recent testing of the project identified several defects in the runtime functions and in the generator code . Below is a detailed description of the identified issues.
1. _resol…
There are several problems in the CircuitPython version 9 example code at "Turtle Graphics in CircuitPython on TFT Gizmo" by John Park: https://learn.adafruit.com/turtle-graphics-gizmo/turtle-graphics…