Can you tell me data/beauty/item_kernel_3.pkl
Where does this document come from?
Information related to determinantal point processes can be found at #4.
[fast greedy algorithm](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2018/file/dbbf603ff0e99629dda5d75b6f75f966-Paper.pdf)
Thanks for your great work on DPPy. I am new to DPPs and this framework and was wondering what would be the correct way of using it for a simple problem setup: Given is a 32 x 32 pixel image. I now wa…
Ramon's group has a clever way of doing diverse selector and we have an in-house implementation and should merge it to this repo.
# 🐛 Bug
I am currently playing around with situations where there's no training data available yet and noticed that the behaviors of `utils.standardize` and `transforms.Standardize` are inconsisten…
I enjoyed the paper and am exploring testing the technique on some MERSCOPE data!
A couple questions if you have a moment to answer:
I see you cited work relating to the SVGP support in GPFlow, so…
An essential component of our package is to have a submodule to compute the dissimilarity/distance/diversity/similarity where normally we assume `diversity = 1 - similarity`.
A good summary of th…
For example, we could measure how much more diverse a selected sample is than a random sample.
If clusters are similar size, then random-ish samples are a lot better than if clusters are very inhom…
This part remains to be finished for the first official release.