# Goal
Having access to gainful employment is a basic aspect of empowering the local dev community. If we can help connect good developers to good jobs, we all benefit.
# Idea
We want to create/r…
The website is not showing any css because of a 404 error:
The resource from “https://hacktoberfest.devict.org/public/css/app.css” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/plain”) mismatch (X-Content-Ty…
Skylar Nichols in the devICT Slack [recently asked](https://devict.slack.com/archives/C049ZUE5Z/p1706564929204059) about local mentorship opportunities. This sparked some conversation about devICT fac…
I think that we could put answers to these questions inline in the form in order to make it easier for job posters:
[Jim Rice](https://app.slack.com/team/U02THPCK2):interrobang: [1 day ago](https:…
When user types "bot new event " add the info to a list of Ennovar events.
When user types "bot events", display a list of dev-ICT events in the Wichita area, and user-generated Ennovar events.
See …
We're currently calling this project "busICT" because it's easy and plays with the MakeICT and devICT names. I'd like to investigate better name options.
We should come up with a short list of possi…
We need some kind of an `!all` keyword that triggers the IRC sound/notification as if your name was mentioned. Good for when we are inviting everyone to something, or when we pushed out the DevICT doc…
This analysis makes claims regarding developer job density and salaries in Wichita. It quantifies these data in both absolute terms (developer jobs per 1000 jobs and annual salaries, respectively) and…
# Goal
devICT Slack has been a great tool for connecting the local dev community, but sometimes it is helpful to have a more one-on-one relationship. We have a mentoring program that typically helps …