- [x] Augmented Dickey-Fuller (unit root)
- [ ] Phillips-Perron (unit root)
- [ ] KPSS (unit root)
- [ ] Shapiro-Wilks (normality)
- [x] Jaques-Berra (3rd and 4th moments for normality) (TimeModel…
Another placeholder for future implementations. Any that overlap with StatsBase should be removed.
- [ ] Augmented Dickey-Fuller (unit root)
- [ ] Phillips-Perron (unit root)
- [ ] KPSS (unit root)
- …
For arrays we'll have to take a period argument.
There is some code to deal with pandas freqs -> period already. Used in seasonal_decomp and more in the exponential smoothing PR.
Rarely used now: D…
1) Algorithm of stationaryization of time series consists of the following:
- A log transformation of feature variables to make data as "normal" as possible and make the statistical analysis res…
1. Data was checked for outliers using a Box plot, histogram, and IQR
2. Outliers were dropped from the data
Hello, Sir!
After studying your code carefully, I would like to know if there is any way to get the p-value of rho_tau and rho_ols?
Hope to your relpy, thanks!
[5:03 PM] Segal, Paul Warren
Doug, I've been playing around a bit more with Clearscape Experience, and have found some issues with some of the notebooks, some minor, and one serious enough to need th…
Hi, I'm interested in performing an ADF test to confirm that my transformations ended up with a stationary time series.
I couldn't find a function to let me perform the test by itself, so I was wonde…
I am writing a small package that does unit root tests on a time series. I was always saddened by the inconsistent framework of various `R` statistical tests so I thought how to do it right in case of…