I am currently trying to use the streamlined version of the pipeline with the test data. TRAILMAP has worked well and generated the tiffs with the segmented axons.
The code is breaking wh…
I am trying to use Elastix in python. I went with itk-elastix first as its the most maintained version that can be easily installed. However, it seems to be having some sort of issues. Im usin…
Noticed `itk-elastix-opencl` is at 0.13.0, but `itk-elastix` is at 0.15.0 on pypi. Is there any specific reason (e.g. is OpenCL unsupported)?
fixed_image = itk.imread(r'fixed_CT.nii.gz', itk.F)
moving_image = itk.imread(r'moving_MR.nii.gz', itk.F)
parameter_object = itk.ParameterObject.New()
I'm trying to perform a 3d rigid registration.
TransformParameterFile is generated.
But the function elastix->Update() crashes while applying transform, but without explicit error.
The …
I'm getting errors while compiling following the instructions of the wiki under
latest elastix 64.
Please see below:
[root@pabx ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
This is not an issue, rather a suggestion.
Currently, the only way to modify a parameter is to edit the text file. Here is a draft of my idea:
- All the parameters and their options are saved i…
I'm getting errors while compiling following the instructions of the wiki under
latest elastix 64.
Please see below:
[root@pabx ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.11 (Final)
Rather than parse the partial volume into a tiff and tfm file couple| and have to modify the cast (#123 )
Include a preprocessing UI tab in 3d hierachical module -
? duplicate segmentation ui?