https://codeload.github.com/emorynlp/reading-comprehension/tar.gz/reading-comprehension-2.0 throws a 404 not found error. Please update the link in README.md
Thank you for your work, I want to run training code, but hint I dataloader... there are no EmoryNLPRobertaCometDataset module in py, I did not found in the code, how can I solve this problem?
Are there still plans to support semantic role labeling? New date for release?
Any tasks others could help with?
I am trying to train the model on russian data, but I get ```AttributeError: 'ProgbarLogger' object has no attribute 'params'. ```
I guess it can be because of versions of the packages that I …
I reproduced the Main Result Reproduction on LoRA + InstructERC based on Llama2, and the performance I got did not meet the paper. The table below is the comparision:
Using the Floresta Sintática corpus, or converting it to Treebank format, it's possible to use ClearNLP, since in TLanguage "Portuguese" isn't listed?
My sentences are already tokenized. Is there an option in ClearNLP that I can turn on (or off) to let it perform semantic role labeling using the existing tokenization?
Hi there!
Any hint about how to solve?
Log message after: "elit parse":
https://elit-models.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/v2/en_pos_ner_srl_dep_con_amr_roberta_base_20210628_234225.zip was created …
Not sure how to charact…
Many of us use SLF4J as the API to logging rather than going directly to log4j. If you are amenable, I'll provide PRs to the repos.