- Engineering leadership for Software Engineers
- Building and scaling engineering organizations
- The art and science of Solutions Architecture
- 90% of your job is people management
WDYT? Is this publication in scope?
doi = {10.23977/jeeem.2017.11005},
journal = {Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management},
month = {March},
number =…
aewag updated
5 hours ago
### Dependencies/Related Engineering issues
#### PM Epic
- #454
#### Design Epic
- #784
### Overview
This issue is for tracking engineering work related to #454, which covers functionality i…
Summary of request: Add a new organization to ROR
Name of organization: Institut Supérieur d'Ingénierie et Gestion de l'Environnement - ISIGE*fr
Website: https://www.isige.minesparis.psl.eu
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass/issues/) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass/discussions) but cannot get the expe…
@IngwiePhoenix @GuybrushThreepwoodSD @A2152225 @adrianojn @zh99998 you guys are pretty on the mark for the way you make things add some tips to our learning.md for engineering?
# Proposal
Our project is to design a chatbot that can interact with the user's command line and help with system administration.
1. In which we pipe an LLM into /bin/bash and see what happens
### Tasks
- [ ] Document current records management requirements (policies)
- [ ] Document previous records management capability and module
By Friday, November 22, the following should be done:
- Finish building a robot that is able to do every component of the game
- Engineering portfolio
- 19447 presentation script