Hey @whw, per https://elixirforum.com/t/proposal-exaws-2-0/9269 the ExAws project is splitting out each service into its own project.
You are the original contributor the STS service to ExAws. If y…
### Environment
* Elixir & Erlang versions (elixir --version):
Elixir 1.14.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)
* ExAws version `mix deps |grep ex_aws`
* ex_aws 2.5.3 (Hex packag…
* Do not use the issues tracker for help or support (try Elixir Forum, Slack, IRC, etc.)
* Questions about how to contribute are fine.
### Environment
* Elixir & Erlang versions (elixir --versi…
When i attempt to create schema_migrations table by following command
` mix ecto.migrate -r RepoDynamo -n 0`
it always raises
** (ExAws.Error) ExAws Request Error!
{:error, {"ResourceNotFou…
### Environment
* Elixir & Erlang versions (elixir --version):
Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]
Elixir 1.9.4 (com…
kw7oe updated
4 months ago
Tried to use your blog post advice to permit mocking of AWS requests, kept failing.
Cloned this repo so I could confirm I wasn't crazy:
> mix test
18:26:29.603 [error] GenServer ExAws.Co…
### Environment
* ExAws version 2.0.1
### Current behavior
Currently, `ExAws.S3.presigned_url` requires a config map to be manually passed in to access things like our secret access key.
Here is my output
{"image" => %Plug.Upload{content_type: "image/jpeg",
filename: "17409815_1317417211684158_788963503_n.jpg",
path: "/tmp/plug-1491/multipart-576910-531644-1"}}
Not sure where this goes - ex_aws or ex_aws_cloudwatch
The aws CLI tools works fine when I run get-metric_statistics -- I always get data
aws --profile XXXdev_admin cloudwatch get-metric-st…
I have been thinking about this some as I have a need to be able to stream a file from an S3 like resource or local disk. I wanted to know your thoughts on this @rzane