Let's use this issue to claim exercises we want to add.
- [x] `acronym`- vaeng
- [x] `armstrong-numbers` - ErikSchierboom
- [x] `bob`- vaeng
- [x] `collatz-conjecture` - ErikSchierboom
- [x] `d…
# Fulfill exercises page
## Description
**As** a user,
**I want to** access to the fulfill page,
**In order to** answer the questions of an exercise.
## Acceptance criteria
### 1. Dynamic questions…
# Result Exercises backend
## Description
**As** developper,
**I want to** check whether the field has been filled in correctly depending on the type of field (one-line or multi-line),
**In order to…
# Field Result Exercises
## Description
**As** user on looper application,
**I want to** be able to see every response from a field,
**In order to** compare the responses from the same field.
My students and I are experiencing issues with many of the exercises being cropped off such that elements toward the right of the exercise are either incompletely shown or cropped out all together.
### Link to the coursework
### Why are we doing this?
These challenges are designed to develop your problem-solving skills.
Module names are kinda unwieldy (e.g., one function call looks like this `Spirit.Exercises.BinariesStringsAndCharlists.describe_string(s)`). So, I suggest we update our structure to mitigate this by r…
### Link to the coursework
### Why are we doing this?
These challenges are designed to develop your problem-solving skills.
### Link to the coursework
### Why are we doing this?
These challenges are designed to develop your ability to read and u…