@prudhomm Compiling `mor` directory inside the spack environment fails :
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable feelpp_mor_onlinerun
cd /nvme0/saigre/feelpp/build/feelpp-clang-cpp20-spack-cpu-release…
Trying to rebuild on Debian/trixie, I've got errors like that:
In file included from /home/feelpp/salome/SALOME-master-native-DBn/a/SOURCES/MEDCOUPLING/src/MEDLoader/MEDFileMeshElt.cxx:32:
Dear @markaren
thank you very much for your work on fmi4cpp, it is very valuable to us (for https://github.com/feelpp/feelpp). We have managed to deploy thousands of FMU in parallel and do city ener…
@Trophime I think we should not have Gmsh and PETSc in the same ppa as Feel++ we should have separate ppas
- ppa:feelpp/feelpp # currently it is ppa:feelpp/ppa
- ppa:feelpp/gmsh
- ppa:feelpp/petsc
- [x] feelpp/feelpp.pkg#17
- [x] feelpp/feelpp.pkg#14
- [x] feelpp/feelpp.pkg#15
- [x] feelpp/feelpp.pkg#16
- [x] feelpp/docker#53
- [x] #2136
`fmt` is support by `spack`, make it usable thanks to `FEELPP_USE_EXTERNAL_FMT`
Make the implementation of NIRB methods by using Feelpp environment
Installing latest python3-feelpp-mor package for noble fails:
```213.1 Setting up python3-feelpp-mor (0.111.0~preview.11-1) ...
213.2 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/feelpp/mor/nirb/nirb.py:1102: Synta…
@feelpp/news please fill out the file `_team` here https://github.com/feelpp/www.feelpp.org/tree/master/_team
so that we can have a nice web page generated for you
- [x] Christophe P
- [ ] Giovan…
- [ ] #27
- [ ] #28
- [ ] #29
- [ ] #30