``` go
package main
import (
var (
c chan string
func init() {
c = make(chan string)
go func() {
n := 1
for {
switch {
mattn updated
6 months ago
Add support for views. A fully-supported view feature will be blocked until we can order on individual columns adds/drops.
For dotnet core projects, the program string looks like this:
`"program": "${workspaceRoot}/fizzbuzz/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/fizzbuzz.dll"`
As you can see, it goes a different path and it s…
### What version of CUE are you using (`cue version`)?
$ cue version
cue version v0.6.0
go version go1.20.6
-buildmode exe
-compiler gc
-trimpath true
Hi all,
Apologies for the vague bug report title; I'm not fully sure how to describe what's going on.
Please consider the following slightly nontrivial Dafny program [here](https://gist.github.c…
### This issue is unique.
- [X] I have used the [search tool](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer/issues?q=) and did not find an issue describing my bug.
### Operating System of DocumentSer…
vim vimLearning-Go-zh-cn/ex-basics/src/fizzbuzz.go, then I found:
const (
FIZZ = 3 |\longremark{为了提高代码的可读性,定义两个常量。%
BUZZ = 5
And how to use |\l…
Two of the major cloud providers are about to release cloud-native FizzBuzz clones that are API-compatible with our stuff. Looks like they're using a lot of our open-core components in their backends.…
Buatlah sebuah program FizzBuzz yang akan menuliskan angka dari 1-100 dengan aturan sebagai berikut:
- Angka yang habis dibagi 3 ditulis "Fizz"
- Angka yang habis dibagi 5 ditulis "Buzz"
- Angka …
Given the following funny fizzbuzz version liquidhaskell consumes up a lot of memory (I have 16GB) and I have to kill it out of precaution.
I could nail it down to the line with `[[[[[[[[[[[[["FizzBuz…