I would like to provide recent binaries of the FreeDOS kernel Git master branch in form of an additional package, named probably FDTKERN.
Currently there is an incompatibility between the drive letter assignment of the (E)DR-DOS kernel and FDISK, as FDISK follows the FreeDOS (and Microsoft) way of assigning drive letters to partitions. …
After JWASM, this is another case of software crashing under non-KVM QEMU which occurs under both FreeDOS and EDR based kernels. The sofware runs fine on physical machines and other emulators like 86b…
does freedos kernel support exfat?
EDR kernel assigns drive letters for multiple primary partitions on a drive solely by the order in the partition table. It takes not into account which of them is actve. FreeDOS (and MS-DOS) assigns t…
FreeDOS kernel handles config.sys lines starting with an exclamation mark !.
If a config.sys line contains ! as first character, then this line can not be skipped by single-stepping.
Having worked some on the kernel's `exeflat` I took on the challenge of undoing the compression that it orchestrates along with UPX. Here's the resulting program: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/fddepack/fi…
Currently the EDR-DOS kernel delegates power saving to an external driver internally called `$IDLE$`. This driver is not available in source. It would be nice to have an IDLEHALT feature like FreeDOS …
FreeDOS kernel supports SHELLHIGH in addition to SHELL to specify the shell. This currently is not supported by DR-DOS. According to the name, command.com is then loaded into high memory?!?
For the…
**Q1:** In `bios.asm`, how can I save a value (number, string, etc.) such as the content of `biosstr` (string) in a memory area of the emulator, and then read and print that memory area from `8086tiny…