Your question: Is this going to be upgraded to FS17?
My answer: Maybe, but probably not because of the already existing '4Real Module 01 - Crop Destruction'.
Depends on what "style of crop destr…
Would it be possible for an update of the fs17 seasons with some of the newer features in the fs19 seasons?
Thanks for all the awesome mods you guys do.
Your question: Is this going to be upgraded to FS17?
My answer: Only time will tell. - Need some time to actually play the vanilla game.
This is the rtf I have.
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset134 Microsoft YaHei;}{\f2\fnil Microsoft…
this mod of yours definitely improves the game, in the latest version two functions have been added that I didn't understand how they work, at the moment I'm using the previous version, because versio…
the Cattle trailer from the Toll package FS17_LS540.zip is missing the following from the moddesc.xml
I just got this broad acres map for fs17 but it wont load when i try making a savegame with it. here is the log
On version 1.1.3
When I press record button on map where is no any single route the I got excessive errors:
`C:/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_AutoDrive/AutoDrive.lua:2295: attempt to ind…
## Upgrade the code from your last project to fully valid (and clean) HTML
@jsiarto Can you take a look at this? It's [hosted here](https://JoannaBasco.github.io/MI-349-FS17-741-html-boilerplate-li…
Hallo, nicht direkt ein Problem des Skriptes, aber kann man die Kupplung im FS17 nun ohne Zusatzprogramme belegen? Oder wird PPJoy wieder zur Pflicht?
Über eine Antwort wäre ich dankbar,
Grüße Max…