This fuzz test could possibly be a starting point for #466:
package yaml_test
import (
func FuzzUnmarshalToMap(f *testing.F) {…
It would be great to run address and ub sanitisation during testing in CI.
This package currently does not have fuzzing like the official Anki implementation: https://github.com/ankitects/anki/blob/main/rslib/src/scheduler/states/fuzz.rs
Recently reenabled fuzzing test still needs some work:
I am working on my thesis. I want to use this tool to generate fuzz drivers.
Is it possible to use AFL++ as the fuzzing engine?
I am very new, so I would appreciate it if you could guide me on how…
[Job](https://mihubot.xyz/runtime-utils/Ee2cDojAAAE) completed in 41 minutes 26 seconds.
Ran the fuzzer(s) successfully.
- [AssemblyNameInfoFuzzer-inputs.zip](https://runtimeutils.blob.c…
[Job](https://mihubot.xyz/runtime-utils/Ee2VKsXAAAE) completed in 28 minutes 11 seconds.
ERROR: System.Exception: build-runtime.bat failed with exit code 1
at Runner.JobBase.RunProcessAsync…
[Job](https://mihubot.xyz/runtime-utils/Ee2J6_nAAAE) completed in 27 minutes 54 seconds.
ERROR: System.Exception: build-runtime.bat failed with exit code 1
at Runner.JobBase.RunProcessAsync…
Hello, I am currently using Beacon for directed fuzzing and would like to know if it supports parallelization, similar to AFLGo. Specifically, I would like to use the -M and -S options for master/slav…
Fails build check on oss-fuzz but runs fine here on GH actions