## Where is this model used
Network Theory
## What is this model
This is an algorithm that takes a hierarchical method to detect "communities" (Can be separated into sets of nodes in a graph) in sy…
Update line 64 in girvan_newman.py to `G = nx.from_numpy_array(adj_matrix)` instead of `G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_matrix)`
Hola, en la parte 1 tengo la duda de si solo debo aplicar Girvan-Newman una vez luego de encontrar una comunidad que cumpla la condición, o si debe aplicarse a todos los arboles (subcomunidades) encon…
There seems to be a dearth of community detection algorithms in the current Graphs.jl. Hopefully this can be remedied in the future, and to that end I thought I'd list the ones that NetworkX [currentl…
- [ ] Define algorithms to implement
- [ ] Write interfaces / classes
- [ ] Write standard test cases
- [ ] Disjoint Set (Or Union-Find)
- [ ] Louvain
- [ ] Label …
Use methods from https://github.com/jwzimmer/tv-tropes/issues/21
- Run community detection on the network of tropes based on the tropes they link to
- run community detection on the network of ind…
Hello mr Zeng,it seems that your code about the partition of power grids based on newman-girvan method is awesome. I am an intern at CEPRI an di have been doing things like voltage/var partition.A lot…
- [x] Write helper for extracting topics from communities
- [ ] Improve topic modeling
-> Consider abstract topics represented by collections of words: [check this out](https://towardsdatascience.co…
### Base functionality is implemented, albeit not necessarily optimal (depending on the specification's intentions)
Consider alternatives to simply removing the negative edges from components.
In the following function, number_of_colors must be equal to number of communities. Now, it is equal to number of elements in the first community:
Must change len(communities[0]) for len(communi…