Треба обдумати і описати git flow процес
1. **Заборонити прямі пуші в `main`**:
- Налаштувати захист гілки `main`, щоб дозволити пушити тільки через pull requests (PR). Це можна з…
## Deployment
AFAICT, currently there are no release branches for specific deployments so we could switch to a flow where stable versions are marked by tagging commits on the main branch.
We coul…
# [Git] Git Flow 브랜치 전략, 커밋 컨벤션, 템플릿 설정
협업 프로젝트 시작 전 아주 기본적인 GitHub 설정들을 알아보자
Estudar git flow
git flow VS git hub flow
Galera, eu tenho utilizado o Git, porém vou realizando os commits no Branch master mesmo!
Seria bacana um guia sobre a forma correta de versionar um projeto utilizando Branches.
The install instructions tell to install git-flow-avh which is a newer fork of the original git-flow. One of the key differences is that release and hotfix-tags are not solely present on the master br…
branch 가 main 밖에 없네요............................................................
왜...........................................죠 ?