# Go 每日一库之 gojsonq - 大俊的博客
简介 在日常工作中,每一名开发者,不管是前端还是后端,都经常使用 JSON。JSON 是一个很简单的数据交换格式。相比于 XML,它灵活、轻巧、使用
# Go 每日一库之 gjson - 大俊的博客
简介 之前我们介绍过gojsonq,可以方便地从一个 JSON 串中读取值。同时它也支持各种查询、汇总统计等功能。今天我们再介绍一个类似的库gjson。
I want the JSON decoding to map it received data to provided output port type.
Currently this fail because the JSON decoding checks for absolute equal JSON structure and don't allows sub sets or pi…
Please, consider using [simdjson](https://github.com/minio/simdjson-go) as default decoder because the parse times are impresive.
About 50% less time to parse the "189MB-JSON-Document" fo…
jq := gojsonq.New().FromString(string(data))
path1 := fmt.Sprintf("data.dynamicConfig.%s.feConfig.areaLevel", req["corpId"].(string))
areaLevel := jq.Find(path1) // got corr…
Thanks for a great package! :D
I am parsing JSON that uses a dot (".") for some key names. I've discovered that I could redefine the separator using `gojsonq.SetSeparator("·")` to a middle-dot, an…
I'm very new to Go and I stumbled across this module which I think is fantastic! I have a question more than issue which I'm hoping you can help with.
I have some very complicated and neste…
`this jsonStr = `"{"uid":17766,"openid":"ni8vhveqn6","appOpenId":"nq46kiae15","unionId":"i2jki7ttm2","nickName":"","avatarUrl":"","gender":"0","cpc":"","wxappShareImg":"","inviteCode":"","tel":"","log…
I'm trying to use gojsonq to make some queries to JSON data. I was setting up some tests that were returning `nil` when I tried to validate the data inside of the JSON object. Eventually, I noticed if…