In the contrast block, why use a shared BN layer instead of using a separate BN layer for each ccl feature?
A painting AI that can reproduce paintings stroke by stroke using deep reinforcement learning.
**Reference** : [Arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.04411) , [GitHub](https://github.com/megvii-researc…
> 혹시 여러분 팀원들이 참여를 희망한다면 함께 출전해보시죠. 좋은 경험이 될겁니다.
- https://sites.google.com/view/cvcreative/deepfashion2?authuser=0
我想在cityflow、UA-DETRAC、KITTI等数据集上训练ICCV2019的检测器Gaussian YOLO v3,请问这份code有实现或者可以参考吗?我没找到。谢谢!
Refactor is planned. The objects are:
- Support TF2.0
- Unify calling of TF model and PyTorch model
- Easier PIPY package to call from another project
- Open access to pre-trained models
- New …
thanks for your wonderful ICCV2019 work of PFNL . I have a problem that may need your help.
When I retrained the code, the test results are the average of PSNR 27.3196 ,SSIM 0.8353.(21 万 s…
Congratulations on your paper get the best paper in iccv2019!
When I run your code, I input the path to my image and then tell me can't find the file.
Later I realized I should input the file name …
is the Npair loss coding correct as i am getting many errors in it. can u please show it to me is it running or not.
Hey, super interesting work. I was wondering, your paper says that N_K positive and negative proposals are selected as in OICR, and then for all of those proposals you compute your CASD attention maps…