I'm trying to port your library to be used with android, actually the only class that seems to require porting is System.Drawing.Bitmap. the Library builds just fine but I can't get it to work.
1. NuGet
2. user agent strings - https://browscap.org/ (the "browscap.xml" file)
3. MaxMind GeoIP.dat - http://www.maxmind.com/en/geolocation_landing и https://www.maxmind.com/en/opensource
And c…
Is there a way to attach a xml file to the pdf ?
Like this:
iTextSharp.text.Paragraph yurtIciHaberlerTitle = new iTextSharp.text.Paragraph(new Chunk("YURT İÇİ HABERLER", FontFactory.GetFont("calibri-light", 16, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD,titleColor)));
After update iTextSharp Nuget package to the last 5.3.3 version the parse failed because iTextSharp.text.xml.XMLParse can not be found.
Thank's for work.
Best regard's
Command I used to run:
Get-PDFContent https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R42694.pdf
PSVersion: 3.0
Add-Type : Cannot bind parameter 'Path' to the target. Exception setting "Path": "Cannot find path…
API [iTextSharp]
API [Aspose]
Google Chrome, find only a single page.
PDFsharp find only a single page.
When opened with Adobe Reader, there are 14 pages.
When opened with Firefox, there are 24 pages.
Opera and SumatraPDF on…