Isn't jscs deprecated on dbwebb? And eslint used instead?
[jscs homepage](http://jscs.info/) has a message that jscs has merged with eslint.
It could be easier to just maintain one set of lint…
JSCS is merging with ESLint: http://eslint.org/blog/2016/04/welcoming-jscs-to-eslint
Once JSCS is no longer maintained and the features are merged into ESLint, we need to make sure that ESLint config…
Documentation has conflicting references to grunt-jscs vs. grunt-contrib-jscs. From here:
the documentation mentions:
npm install grunt-jscs --s…
I'd like to start having a consistent style across all of our js libs. the jscs lib is an awesome tool to do this. I took a first pass at what I thought was a good style for our js libs. You can se…
According to their github this project is no longer maintained and should be removed.
Hi, this generator is currently using a reasonably outdated version of `grunt-jscs` (^1.8.0), which has a version lock of the underlying `jscs` library at ~1.13.0. `grunt-jscs` is currently at 3.0.0 a…
I am using nodenv. Below my config.
``` json
"node_path": {
"linux": "/home/raziel/.nodenv/shims/node",
"jscs_path": {
"linux": "/home/raziel/.nodenv/shims/jscs",
Do we want to add the same setup as https://github.com/Beg-in/Fritz/issues/4 ?