Inspired by: https://github.com/JuliaAcademy/JuliaTutorials/issues/40
Hey @NHDaly , I wanted to re-start the discussion on the workflow for generating Notebooks and ".jl" files.
I am trying to get the JuliaAcademy resources all set up in their new repos.
Hey @bkamins, should we remove the DataFrames notebooks from here as the ones in the DataFrames JA repo seem to be the most up to date.
Once Google Code-in is done on the 21st of January, let's move the JuliaAcademyMaterials repo into this new org so we can keep the issues, commits, etc.
Notebook 0 reads the following below. But I can only see odd-numbered notebooks, and not the even-numbered notebooks that presumably dive into the actual details. Neither are labelled ML or Tools, but…
Hi all,
I am trying to run `julia --project build.jl`, but I keep getting the `ERROR: LoadError: BinaryProvider: git object 064e82000969b22b28d2f2a5c1a49da04e601156 could not be found`. I do have …
Error while executing G[1]
MethodError: no method matching getindex(::XLSX.DataTable, ::Int64)
[1] top-level scope
@ In[42]:1
or accesing G in with all instructions
Help ne…
- [x] Update Features and Ecosystems - Remove some of the older ones
- [x] Update all the GPU links
- [x] Separate section: Showcase community projects that have the common models - GeometricFlux, F…
We have both `Symbol` and `Int` `getindex` for a `NamedTuple`, but only `Symbol` `setindex`.
Is there a reason for this? its seems like we should have both in both cases.