Supporting both Python 3 / Jython 3 and Python 2 / Jython 2 simultaneously is making test maintenance very difficult. I don't think we need support for Python 2 / Jython 2 any longer, and getting rid …
## Describe the issue
Following jython code does not recognize `3456` number.
jsonWebResponse.getClaims().setClaimObject("accountNumber3", Long.valueOf("3456"), True)
## Steps To Re…
Currently the latest version of Jython is compatible to Python 2.5. When Jython becomes compatible to Python 2.6 or higher someday, we should suport Jython as well. Watch the Jython project and its ro…
Travis info https://www.topbug.net/blog/2012/05/27/use-travis-ci-with-jython/
Jython is working towards a 2.7 release, and there is some interest in having IPython support it.
This represents PR #4226, which was closed due to inactivity.
2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
Also consider Jython support (bouncy castle, built in crypto, etc).
These can be tested on travis, need to drop the use of `sure` library for testing.
**Type of Feature**:
[ ] Collaboration or partnership
[ ] Improvement or clarification
[ X ] New Processing
**Description of Feature**
use Jython 2.7 for basic usage of API
Replace https://github.com/ActianCorp/ingres_sa_dialect/blob/master/lib/ingres_sa_dialect/zxjdbc.py with a dialect that works with [jyjdbc](https://hg.sr.ht/~clach04/jyjdbc)
Alternatively look at t…
Now, the grinder can support jython 2.7b1
2.7 is much more user-friendly than 2.5.3.