### Describe the bug
My environment is the ucx perfest **tag_bw** test of the GDR in the machine. When I configure the environment variables of one network card, the measured speed is very fast. The …
### 请提出你的问题
cd csrc/xpu/src
# 设置 XDNN, XRE and XTDK 的路径后一键执行。
wget https://baidu-kunlun-product.su.bcebos.com…
1. opensource the article generation pipeline —— Yifan Luo
2. opensource the QAR & keypoint generation pipeline —— Dingling Xu
3. opensource the evaluation framework —— Kunlun Zhu
My cluster has 8 other nodes. When attempting to upgrade my Harvester cluster from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 I get the following error:
`admission webhook "validator.harvesterhci.io" denied the request: machine…
操作系统 【windows10】
kunlun-M 【Kunlun-M-可通过脚本运行】
kunlun-GUI 【GUI程序 20211212 Latest】
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 659*
**component:** DBA GUI | **priority:** major
#### 2022-05-10 08:30:38: barney created the issue
> 1. 新增测试命令
> 1.1 --pg_connect(connection_name, hostname…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 754*
**component:** computing nodes | **priority:** major
#### 2022-05-27 16:08:43: smith created the issue
> 如何复现:
> 1、在存储节点上表锁住,模拟多线程压测时的锁等待
> ```
> loc…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 788 [www.kunlunbase.com](url) *
**component:** computing nodes | **priority:** major
#### 2022-06-01 16:38:53: zhaowei@zettadb.com created the issue
> doing …
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 237*
**component:** kunlun-storage | **priority:** major
#### 2021-11-22 10:15:04: @david-zhao created the issue
> In kunlun-storage-8.0.26, create the kunlu…
# 如何自动化挖掘php反序列化链 - phpunserializechain诞生记 · LoRexxar's Blog