I am having trouble loading this module when I build OBS myself:
error: os_dlopen(/home/username/.config/obs-studio/plugins/linux-pipewire-audio/bin/64bit/linux-pipewire-audio.so->/home/userna…
obs-studio is installed in a default location.
This plugin no-longer works with the Flatpak OBS, instead it gives this error:
12:11:04.676: os_dlopen(/home/jookia/.var/app/com.obsproject.Studio/config/obs-studio/plugins/libobs_google_capti…
Not sure what additional information I need to give. I think the basic stuff is in the logs. On Fedora 41/GNOME 47…
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:50 (find_package):
By not providing "Findlibobs.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "libobs"…
### Operating System Info
### Other OS
### OBS Studio Version
### OBS Studio Version (Other)
_No response_
### OBS Studio Log URL
### OBS Studio Crash Log URL
I followed the docs, and came accross an issue I can't seem to found a solution on while running `cmake ..` in the `build` directory.
Here is the issue I get:
[adam@TOUR-ADAM build]$ …
Plugin will not load in OBS 30.2.2, using the Flatpak version.
23:58:38.632: os_dlopen(/app/lib/obs-plugins/obs-shaderfilter.so->/app/lib/obs-plugins/obs-shaderfilter.so): libobs.so.0: cannot …
**Describe the bug**
Plugin allows you to select a window to be captured, but does not actually capture the window. The issue persists after a reboot and a new Game Capture source cannot select any w…
Hey there,
I'm having issues building this and cannot figure it out:
`Checking bin
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/objdump: 'rundir/RelWit…