## [Linked List](https://leetcode.com/explore/learn/card/linked-list/209/singly-linked-list/)
Problem: Reverse a singly linked list.
[Linked List Cycle](https://leetcode.com/problems/linked-list-cycle)
### Environment
- OS and version: archlinux
- VS Code: 1.96.0 - insider
- C/C++ extension: 1.23.1
- GDB / LLDB version: GNU gdb (GDB) 15.2
### Bug Summary and Steps to Reproduce
Bug Summary:
We have given a Matrix of n*n size. Our task is constructing a 2D linked list representation of the given matrix.
Please assign me this issue under Hactoberfest 2024.
Problem: Determine if a linked list has a cycle.
primarily for multicast and dealer
Hey! @gdsc-wce
I would like to add a program of Reversing a linked list in C++
kindly assign me this issue
Hi @indrakishore
I will implement the concept of DLL using CPP, It will cover various topics such as insertion ,deletion ,reverse ,concatenation.
Please assign me this task.