**Describe the bug**
Meson's cargo importer generates a meson.build that is referencing an undefined variable for the crate libflate_lz77, which is a transitive dependency of the crate I'm trying to …
# LZ77📑 - Sereinme
Portrait formatter doesn't seem to support FE6, as portraits are LZ77 compressed there.
Additionally, I don't know how to get text-process by @boviex / Circles to work properly for FE6. It makes t…
FYI your LZ77 visualiser is buggy.
**Brandy Breeze**: 🍾 General-purpose compression algorithm.
Built on top of [RLE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-length_encoding), [BWT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrows%E2%80%93Wheeler_tra…
If further compression is needed, it would be a good win to LZ77 compress the command bytes only, as there is a lot of repetition there.
Command argument bytes should be excluded from this compressio…
Unsuported format from spica but supported on Ohana3ds
# LZ77 Sıkıştırma Algoritması | YSAR.NET
Implement a PoC to see if solday's generic LZ77 stacks well with the generic compression done by rollups themselves.
Hi, I was doing some tests, and I encountered an error compressing and decompressing 64 kb of text with the maximum window size of 9220
I did this test:
``` JAVA
String msg = new String(Files.readAll…