./mastr -export ../Gesamtdatenexport_20240320_23.2.zip -spec spec/Gesamtdatenexport.yaml -database marktstammdatenregister.db
with stdout:
I tried the instructions in README in PowerShell:
go build -o mastr .\cmd\main.go
.\mastr -export path\to\Gesamtdatenexport_20240320_23.2.zip -spec .\spec\Gesamtdatenexport.yaml -database Mar…
## Description of the issue
You provide the project open-MaStR (https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/open-MaStR). This project is described as follows:
The python package open-mastr provides an int…
Clicking Windkraft in Bayern → Datensatz under https://marktstammdatenregister.dev/
gives a .csv with exactly 1000 lines--
SEE907461190045,Oberbiberg,,,2023-10-06,472,35,30.0,30.0,Kitekraft Dem…
thanks a lot for supplying ds.marktstammdatenregister.dev!
Unfortunately, I'm not good at reading Go, so I didn't manage to find it on my own: But I was wondering, if you fetch the complete dat…
The commit messages on this repo are in English, so I'm writing this issue in English as well.
# Problem: renewable energy statistics
This repo contains a summary of renewable energy data organi…
Für Anlage https://www.marktstammdatenregister.de/MaStR/Einheit/Detail/IndexOeffentlich/7885234 liegt die Koordinate außerhalb des Gültigkeitsbereits -90
I'm using the most recent version of zeep.
I'm using this wsdl:
wsdl = 'https://www.marktstammdatenregister.de/MaStRAPI/wsdl/mastr.wsdl'
I'm using a query with an API ID - hence I did n…
This task contains several steps:
1. Search different ways that might increase parsing speed. Parsing is done right now by the `pandas.read_xml` method [here](https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/…
- Karte mit Standorten
- Informationen zu einzelnen Anlagen
- Aktualisierung: jährlich, manuell
- Kategorie: Energie
- Quellen: [Marktstammdatenregister](https://github.com/Klima-Dashboard/data-tools…