[CIP-0109](https://cips.cardano.org/cip/CIP-0109) proposes a new modular exponentiation builtin for Plutus Core. This will calculate `a^k mod n` for integers `a` and ` k` and a positive integer `n` (…
The modular exponentiation function will initially be added to Plutus Core with a default (very expensive) costing function. Once it's been implemented and tested we'll need to add some costing bench…
Does it not exist in these crates or could I not find it? If it doesn't exist, it would be really nice to have.
Same for modular inverse, and for generating random numbers (and random numbers modul…
Modular exponentiation is used to compute pow(n1,n2)%mod (n1^n2%mod) in log(n2) time!
This algorithm computes pow(n1,n2) in log(n2). The normal algorithm would take O(n2) times. This O(n2) is not f…
I would like to add Modular Exponentiation algortihm as a contribution for the Hacktober Fest 2022, as it is a very useful algo.
Could you assign it to me
It would be useful if NumPy had a modular exponentiation function. Besides performance improvements over `a**b%m`, it also allows computations where `a**b` would not fit in the datatype.
NumPy als…
WDYT? Is this publication in scope?
author = {Boreale, Michele},
booktitle = {Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography},
doi = {10.1007/11889700_3},
isbn = {97835404…
aewag updated
22 hours ago
Once the modular exponentiation function has been fully implemented in Plutus Core and PlutusTx and costed we should add some end-to-end tests for it.
- Make sure to add a .json file. have a look at the previous contribution in this repo to get a better understanding.
- Add a markdown file explaining what the snippets does and what all is recommend…