Envrionment: Ubuntu20.04, Vitis 2020.2, platform=xilinx_zcu102_base_202020_1
Hello, I'm new to HLS deisgn and attracted by this repository. I've written a lightweight project and successfully synth…
I want to Download and unzip [mpsoc common system](https://www.xilinx.com/member/forms/download/xef.html?filename=xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.1.tar.gz) & [zcu102 base platform](https://www.xilinx.com/m…
is there any .xml file available to build a debian system on a Xilinx ultrascale+ mpsoc?
- **CPU**: Quad Core ARM Cortex-A53 (ARMv8-A)
- **GPU**: Mail 400 MP2
- **Memory**: > 2GB
- **Storage**: QSPI / SDCARD / SATA
- **Features**: Gb Ethernet, USB 2/3, Display Port, HDMI, USB UART
ghost updated
8 years ago
I there advantage disadvantage of using this adapter vs following this xilinx wiki on cache coherency? https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18842098/Zynq+UltraScale+MPSoC+Cache+Cohere…
Hi @michalvasko we are facing notification send error some times.
we are using following sysrepo and dependent lib versions:
libyang: v2.1.55
netopeer2: v2.1.59
sysrepo: v2.2.60
libnetconf2: v2.1…
I'd like to migrate a MPSoC (Ultrascale) project to 4.x, but
is not…
When I complie the "Hello World " program in the software of the process file generator, it throws me this error
/home/srinisy/ProNoC/mpsoc_work/toolchain/bin/ihex2bin -i image.ihex -o RAM/ram0.bin
It is my understanding that Antmicro want to support the ZCU10[45] dev boards.
* [ZCU104](https://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/zcu104.html) - Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU7EV-2FFVC1156 MPSoC