Hello, I absolutely love DynamicLOD (I used the slightly tweaked version by ResetXPDR) and have consider it an essential tool for MSFS2020. It has transformed the experience for me as it's allowed me …
Hello and thank you very much for JoinFS. I am a really big FAN of the tool and wanted to ask if support for msfs2024 is planned?
Best regards!
The Store path appears to be: `%localappdata%Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt`
The Steam path appears to be: `%appdata%\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\UserCfg.opt`
I have almost all the SF50 Vision Jet instruments on panels including the generic Garmin stuff and none of it seems to work with 2024. I have the Air Manager Beta 5 and the updated plugins and I can u…
i just installed the plugin in MSFS2024 => -All OK
Additional i copied the WASM into my community folder => All OK
When importing the the MFS Start Page, i get a MessageBox telling me 3 pie…
### Current Behavior
I recently upgraded my Blender version from 3.6 LTS to 4.2 LTS and opened a project file used in 3.6 LTS. After updating the materials by re-selecting their types, I proceeded …
### Software version
### What are you trying to do?
Use this with MSFS 2024
### What's the problem?
It only works with 2020
### What have you tried already?
### Other information
Hi Delta-Charlie,
Do you plan to add compatibility with Air Manager 5/MSFS 2024/Fenix ?
It seems it's quite simple, API calls to _msfs20_xxx_ have to be replaced by _msfs_xxx_
Thanks for taki…
Hi, with the newest Version 0.8.3-202411272125 only MSFS2020 is found, MS2024 is ignored. In the meantime i added it manually by adding "FlightSimulator2024" in the PluginConfig.json within SimBinarie…
### Current Behavior
When I try to export an object it gives me this error:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Dei5k\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\script…