Before moving to Mondrian, we're using SSAS to do multidimensional data modeling.
SSAS natively supports **AttributeHierarchy**, which means by default a single column can directly serve as a hierarc…
I've been trying to train a Convolutional Neural Network on a large, out of memory dataset, using Scikeras as a bridge between Keras and Dask. From some experiments, it seems KerasRegressor enforces t…
### Summary
When validating multidimensional array data (e.g., `name.ja.0.family_name`), validation errors occur as expected, but the corresponding error messages are not displayed in the form input …
Thanks for creating prql! It seems like a great idea.
I tried to try prql for the first time today. I followed the [installation instructions](https://github.com/PRQL/prql/tree/main/prql-python#ins…
### Title
ME-mppca: Building a tensor-based thermal denoising method
### Leaders
Marco Antonio Flores-Coronado @MarcoFloresCoro
### Collaborators
SPiN lab (BCBL)
### Brainhack Global 2024 Even…
Add functionality to Dave's nDDict to make multidimensional data analysis straightforward.
- **Objective:** Enhance the eoAPI platform to support the OGC API Coverages standard, enabling users to access, manipulate, and manage raster data such as grids, remote sensing, and multidimensional …
Would it be possible to add support for data with more than two dimensions?
My data already consists of three dimensions (exercise, session, observation).
When using Bambi I need to make this in a l…
We already have a prototype data page to display multidimensional indicators (although with [some open issues](https://owid.slack.com/archives/C071F90MD0X/p1732705742871689), but probably fixable). Ho…
The plotting functionality plots the first two dimensions of the observation data. For the gaussian observation distributions, it plots a projection on a random basis (in [pybasicbayes](https://github…