I run the command `pip install neural_renderer_pytorch`
I tried to install `pip install pyproject-toml`
Get the error message:
rom neural_renderer/cuda/load_textures_cuda.cpp:1:
this is the Error Message
pip install neural_renderer_pytorch
Collecting neural_renderer_pytorch
Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/15/28/dd59b5098e60e75948ae414ee657005972171…
I implemented a renderer in jupyter that incorporates a neural network, but when I set the SPP a little too large, say 30, it causes jupyter to crash,i do not know what is the problem
what'is wrong with this?
AttributeError: module 'neural_renderer' has no attribute 'Renderer'@daniilidis-group
error info:
D:/dev/app/Anaconda3/envs/pytorch/lib/site-packages/torch/include\c10/util/flat_hash_map.h(1490): error C3203: 'templated_iterator': unspecialized class template can't be used as a templa…
## 一言でいうと
Hey, I ran "python demo.py" and got this error:
could you help me, thanks!
I'm using a Windows environment, RTX 3080
when using the install neural_renderer_pytorch , an error is displayed:
error: command 'C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUD…
Hi, wu!
congratulations to you for unsup3d has been elected as the CVPR2020 best paper. Inspired from your repo, I just replace the neural renderer with **pytorch3d** point cloud renderer.
Hi, I'm trying to run the training code on `ZJU-mocap` dataset. The code works fine with `batch_size=1` (as in `eval` scripts), but got error when `batch_size=4` (as in `train` scripts).
In [this l…