Find out if it is possible to configure node mailer to send fake emails for testing purposes.
Maybe this: https://nodemailer.com/smtp/testing/
> no other GraphQL server for WordPress has been developed to my knowledge
Seems for PHP, WPGraphQL is the way to go. But there are many other ways to use a WP database to serve GraphQL. You coul…
The code goes to /authorization-code/callback with state and code querystring but throws "Unauthorized" error after successful openid connection.
## I'm submitting this issue for the package(s):
- [ ] jwt-verifier
- [ ] okta-angular
- [x] oidc-middleware
- [ ] okta-react
- [ ] okta-react-native
- [ ] okta-vue
## I'm submitting a:
### Implement logout endpoints as per OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0
The similar feature has already been Implemented in: https://github.com/magda-io/magda-auth-okta.
- https:/…
### Describe the bug
As per https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/sign-users-out/nodeexpress/main/, it's totally valid to not pass `postLogoutRedirectUri`, however, the [`signOut` function default…
## Description
After updating agent from 9.15.0 to 10.1.1 transaction names have started to multiply paths, for example POST `/api` is reported as `POST /api/api/api/api/api/api/api/api`.
See sc…
The documentation links to a developer article, which results in a 404 error.
The bad link in the Github README is: https://developer.okta.com/docs/guides/sign-into-web-app/nodeexpress/main/
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon .",
"test": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text mocha --timeout=5000",
"coverage": "nyc -x \"**/test/**\" --reporter=cobertura --reporter=html mocha ./…
## Environment Details
* **OS:** Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
* **Node Version:** 16.13.2
* **NPM Version:** 8.1.2
* **Yarn Version:**
* **BitGoJS Version:** rel/latest (9.6.2)
* **BitGo Environment:**…