When I ran benchmark/install.sh, serveral errors indicated that some templates were missing (including python3-flask, tensorflow-1.4.0-py3 and pytorch). I have only found the python3-flask template on…
The latest portainer cannot deploy OpenFaaS and errors with the following error messgae.
This repo uses https://github.com/burtonr/csharp-kestrel-template, a template that is archived and no longer updated. It's also stuck at `microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0`.
## Expected Behaviour
I would like to move Derek to the OpenFaaS golang-http-template so that the process can stay alive for longer without re-forking. This would allow access tokens etc to…
I found some resources for using R (https://www.r-project.org/) with OpenFaaS (listed [here](https://github.com/analythium/openfaas-rstats-templates#resources)), but there were no templates.
I foll…
## Description
Create a sub-chart for openfaas ingress records including the OIDC record.
It will make it easier for ArgoCD/Flux users of OpenFaaS to set up ingress records and/or the OIDC plugi…
**Rancher versions:**
rancher/server: v2.0.0-beta4-rc2
rancher/agent: v2.0.0-beta4-rc2
**Infrastructure Stack versions:**
kubernetes (if applicable): 1.10.1-rancher1
**Docker version: (`docker versi…
## Concept
It would be cool to be able to run [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) easily on top of [Unraid](https://unraid.net/), which [appears to be built on Slackware](https://forums.unraid.net…
In experimenting with OpenFaaS, the lack of a Dart runtime created some difficulties for me during evaluation, so I've gone ahead and written one:
- https://github.com/adaptant-labs/openfaas-dart-t…
I've been trying to integrate openfaas-nomad into our stack, but a lot of our functions require access to various AWS S3 buckets to read/write data. The problem is that the openfaas-nomad vault integr…