## Compiler version
## Minimized code
case class A(a: Int)
def foo(f: ((Ordering[A], Any)) ?=> Unit) = ()
// compiles: parameter untupling occurs for the ContextFunction…
List of things to do before the next release:
- [ ] Move forked libraries to volcanotech org
- [ ] `pyplis`
- [ ] `ifit`
- [ ] `pydoas`
- [ ] Update `requirements.txt`
- [ ] Update GUI wit…
We should automatically submit and upload releases to University of Sheffield [ORDA](https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/library/research-data-management/orda), a Figshare instance.
This means the software…
- [x] App: Create holding page on ORDA to get DOI: [10.15131/shef.data.19130714](https://doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.19130714)
- [x] Data: Create holding page on ORDA to get DOI: [10.15131/shef.data.1…
Salam Umid. Ilk once css yazmaga basliyanda birinci seyfeni resetlemeyi unutma. bezi yerlerde font-sizeler duz deyildi. Mezmun hissesi figma fayli ile duz deyildi orda qisa mezmun texti yox idi ikinci…
@jezcope is keen for more UoS-developed software to be made citable via [ORDA](https://orda.shef.ac.uk/) (FigShare). Are there particular releases of FLAME GPU that could be made discoverable/citable…
men Mellimin verdiyi repoya baxdim orda 2 folder olmalidi. NamingConventioninAction ve Figma folderleri. Sizde bunlarin hec birini gore bilmedim, yazmisinizsa mene bildire bilersinizmi?. orda yazilan …
git hubla bagli problemleri helle etmek ucun ofice gelin orda hell edek
butun tapsiriqlari icra edir sonuncudan basqa
sonuncu kodda her iki deyer yanlis olduqda …
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