The osm-qa-tile + tile-reduce analysis stack is an efficient and simple large-scale OpenStreetMap data analysis system that doesn't rely on external APIs such as the openstretmap.org/api, overpass, or…
Currently we use OSM QA Tiles + Tegola for using OSM data for retraining in PEARL. This vtiles infra has been down since PC took the stack down #15. I think it would be good to eliminate QA Tiles alto…
At the edge of an AOI, some OSM data is not being shown in the OSM edit recency layer. These areas are also shown as poor in the completeness layer (unclear if they are related). Also unclear if these…
We want to make it possible to use export tool to execute large queries, like getting all health sites around the world.
Research if overpass can handle such large queries.
Other alternatives:
Hello, I'd like to use this tool, but am confused on how to get osm data (typically .pbf) into .mbtiles format. When I searched the net, I'm getting guides on rasterizing / rendering this data into ti…
Currently we use a majority vote of mapswipe users to decide the ground-truth of a tile.
From looking at some tiles which we classify as "boring" in the current setup I noticed a few contain things…
I'm using tileserver-gl v3.0.0 with node v10.20.1
It works fine using `osm-2017-07-03-v3.6.1-europe_italy.mbtiles`
but not with maps downloaded from http://osmlab.github.io/osm-qa-tiles/
I on…
### Proposed Behavior
The standard tile layer (tiles shown on tile.openstreetmap.org and the map shown by default on [openstreetmap.org](https://openstreetmap.org)) has a policy of displaying OSM d…
Buildings found on the map are just the **ways** having building=_, while *_relations*\* having building=\* and type=multipolygon (typically buildings having an inner courtyard) are not shown (example…