The detail pane is a module listed in the sidebar that displays a form at the top for submitting a UPN (1) and an area below for displaying persona details (2). Additionally there is an area called su…
Please support [reactable-py](https://github.com/[machow/reactable-py). Its new in Python but very mature in R. It provides a lot of nice business features.
Its easy to support via `ReactComponent`.
### Dupe Check
- [X] I have [searched Warp feature requests](https://github.com/warpdotdev/warp/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Feature+requests%22) and there are no duplicates
### Describe the s…
In creating a dashboard, I want to be able to use UI components created for use in SolidOS.
Partial proof of concept, assuming the server has mashlib available and the required SolidOS pane only ne…
I would really like it if the option for auto-hiding borders was added to Zellij.
This feature would hide the border based on the user's preferences.
This is an update to the existing pa…
It's pretty weird idk why it happens
# Issues with the Zellij UI
## Issue description
If have only 1 pane with "borderless" and have any pane in "default_tab_template", borderless don't work. (if have 2 pane borderless work)
## M…
The title is quite clear, but it would be nice to be able to see many feeds at the same time or have a right click option on a user to generate it as another feed (or split tab).
Visit https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/#install-kubectl-binary-with-curl-on-linux and you'll see:
Notice that there is no full bounding box.
### Please describe the feature that you want to propose
There is `onNodeDoubleClick`, but no "onPaneDoubleClick". It would trigger when the user double clicks the pane, and not a node. I think havin…