Hello @dusty-nv
I downloaded peoplnet directly from : https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/tao/models/peoplenet. These are the contents of the downloaded folder :
labels.txt nvinfer_c…
I wanted to use peoplenet to detect people in Images. Somehow it is not working correctly. I am using the docker container which is shown in the tutorials. I also tried the image with the "SDD-…
moved from https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-iot-greengrass-deploy-nvidia-deepstream-on-edge/issues/4
given at jetson normally the app is executed with
deepstream-app -c /opt/nvidia/deepstre…
python3 detectnet.py --model=peoplenet pedestrians.mp4 pedestrians_peoplenet.mp4
[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version
[gstreamer] gstDecoder -- creating decoder for pedestrians.mp4
Example "detectnet.py --model=facedetect "images/humans_*.jpg" images/test/facedetect_humans_%i.jpg" doesnt work. In this case, I tried to run tao-converter that downloaded together with *.etlt model,…
In the config file, I do have set: tlt-encoded-model=peoplenet/resnet18_peoplenet_pruned.etlt
Hello , If I want to use peoplenet on ubuntu, (not jetson) , exactly , what should I do ? I have tested numerous ways in the net, but it did not have result,
should I download the model from here: []…
Hi All,
I have **Advantech jetson nano (MIC-710AI)**. I am using the PEOPLENET Model and I have connected 2 cameras to that for live detection. Now I have received only 3FPS. For my requirement, I…
I am working on IMX93 evk board and planned to implement the task that you already done...but unable to generate gui like you are showing in this blog.
I am getting this issues: python3 main.py re…