Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\miniforge3\envs\venv\Lib\site-packages\Agently\Agent\Agent.py", line 262, in start_async
Please add my [PICES talk on platoons](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cXEpqh0D3VNiyFlgMkmBbWJWXXsmteJG/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=107674915962317549007&rtpof=true&sd=true) to the Vignettes.
This might be one for @SmilingSpectre.
In the currently synced copy of the game the in game 16 bit colour options (Tandy and EGA) crash after the intro, just before what would be the roster selecti…
加入 cx platoon 这些指令的解绑功能
Create a model for a "Resupply Point" that can be deployed to the field.
The resupply point can provide squad supply boxes through Fortify (so the actual supplies have to be spawned in by FS in perso…
m0kka updated
7 months ago
There's already a thread regarding this, but I'm open to ideas and suggestions for how to make this as useful as possible. There definitely seems to be some interest in personalized platoon signatures…
# Current situation
The app does not currently support "platoon invitations", however this is (if you ask me) a vital part of Battlelog. Unfortunately, this is also not in the JSON (don't ask me why)…
Hi there, can we implement heterogenous platooning with PlatoonSAFE? If so, can you assist with how we can do the same?
I have tried to make simulations to run vehicles one behind other. After some time i have made 1st vehicle to make lane change but and i have set "traci.vehicle.setLaneChangeMode(vehID, 256)" …