Hello. First and foremost, thank you for the awesome org-pomodoro. This is hands down one of my favorite. I want to request a feature that I think would be great.
I would really love to see an optio…
I was trying this:
`(setq org-pomodoro-clock-break t)`
to have my break time counted in. But realized that we have this on `org-pomodoro-short-break-finished`:
(when org-pomodoro-clo…
With my list of tasks visible in my org-agenda view I would like to be able to clock-into a task, work on it and clock-out if completed even if the pomodoro timer has not expired. This doesn't seem po…
It would be nice to be able to start a pomodoro timer in one of the recently clocked-in tasks. I believe [org-pomodoro](https://github.com/marcinkoziej/org-pomodoro) is the canonical package.
Main purpose of adding [multiline comments](https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/pull/967) to vimwiki was so we could properly find and parse metadata that wouldn't be included in the HTML output (and c…
This can be useful, when eg. the user is absent from the pc while taking the break and wants to be reminded when the break ends.
WHen you use the config to change the time for each pomodoro, the time remaining on the timer doesn't change to reflect that.
I changed the pomodoro time from 25 min to 20 min, Time Remaining: 25:00 …
Would love to have all incompleted pomodoros logged too so I can
easily see all the work I'm doing, even if the pomodoros are interrupted.
Love the app, especially the ticking of the clock :)
rolfb updated
13 years ago