I am a pure beginner. I would like use easyfsl in audio classification, but I can't find any examples how to use it
**Considered solutions**
I tried to modify the code used in image c…
## 🚀 Feature
euclidean distance as used in prototypical networks, included in standard PyTorch library.
## Motivation
code from prototypical networks
def euclidean_dist( x, y):
Exception: No images found for omniglot class Atemayar_Qelisayer/character12/rot180 at e:\prototypical-networks-master\protonets\data\../../data/omniglot\data\Atemayar_Qelisayer\character12. Did you r…
FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
253 if __name__ == '__main…
1.一种基于原型学习的多示例卷积神经网络点击下载2.Deep Multi-instance Networks with Sparse Label Assignment for Whole Mammogram Classification点击下载3.2018.12.12小组会PPT点击下载4.自然语言处理pa…
Hello! Thanks so much for easyfsl, it's fantastic. I am testing my Prototypical Network (trained on mini imagenet) with SupportSetFolder. When I test it on the folder I attached called dataset1 (conta…
Where can I find the explanation of network architectures which are used in experiments of the paper?
I think its not written in the paper.
Thanks for the repo. I have a couple of queries in the load_img function.
I am trying to replicate this experiment, but when I run the following command:
`python scripts/train/few_shot/run_train.py --data.cuda --log.exp_dir results`
I get the following error…
Thank you very much for sharing your code.
I want to train models with a dataset other than miniImageNet and Omniglot. Could you guide me how to arrange dataset (main folder , sub-folder), and how …