### Crash report
Execution time of different units:
1 seconds - unit/info-command
1 seconds - unit/acl-v2
1 seconds - unit/bitfield
2 seconds - unit/bitops
1 seconds - unit/la…
suppose: A(master)->B(slave)
slaveof 0
slaveof no one
set a value
get a #should be "value", but null
in server b, the value for key a should be…
**Describe the bug**
When I make test ,The following error occurs
*** [err]: PSYNC2: total sum of full synchronizations is exactly 4 in tests/integration/psync2.tcl
Expected 5 == 4 (context: ty…
I don't know what exactly this mean. I ran tests once, it failed, ran it again, it didn't.
Here is the first output:
[37/50 done]: integration/psync2-reg (23 seconds)
[ok]: PSYNC2: generate lo…
A(master) -> B(slave)
A(master) -> C(slave)
redis config:
repl-backlog-ttl 30
kill A
B: (after 30 seconds)
slaveof no one
C:(within 30 seconds)
slaveof B
expected …
We (Alpine Linux) run `make test `as part of the packaging process. With v5.0.7 and v5.0.8 the
following test has failed:
err]: PSYNC2: total sum of full synchronizations is exactly 4 in tests/…
error at:
[57/66 done]: integration/psync2-reg (22 seconds)
[ok]: PSYNC2: cluster is consistent after failover
[ok]: GEOSEARCH fuzzy test - byradius
[err]: replica buffer don't induce eviction i…
[ok]: PSYNC2 #3899 regression: kill first replica
Logged warnings (pid 3128):
=== REDIS BUG REPORT START: Cut & paste starting from here ===
3128:M 01 May 2020 15:03:32.527 # Redis 6.0.0 crashed …
I'm trying to install Redis 4.0.7 but when I run `make test` it keeps failing on the same test.
The system I'm trying to install it on is Raspbian Stretch Lite.
[exception]: Executing test…
Tendis不支持Redis Replication协议的SYNC, PSYNC, PSYNC2三种同步命令,请问有考虑支持吗?
1920:S 24 Jun 16:12:13.258 # MASTER aborted replication with an error: ERR unknown command 'SYNC'
1920:S 24 Jun 16:12:14.246 * Connec…