Hi @nmwsharp - this package looks awesome and I'm hoping to use it for something, but noticed there are no Python 3.12 wheels available.
I think the version of `cibuildwheel` you are using https:/…
Ubuntu is only setting up Python 3.12 in its latest LTS release (24.04.1) so I think it is important that it is supported.
What is the latest python version that is supported? According to https://…
Hi, do you plan to add support for Python 3.12, or would you accept a PR doing so?
Vanilla Python 3.12 is not supported at the moment due to (at least) the usage of `pkg_resources`:
import Fluigent.SDK as fgt
Ubuntu is only setting up Python 3.12 in its latest LTS release (24.04.1) so I think it is important that it is supported.
What are the blocking points that the support ends with 3.10 and doesn't c…
From the `pkg_resources` docs: [setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html](https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html)
> Use of pkg_resources is deprecated in favor of [importlib…
Is the CDK compatible with py3.12+ ?
It depends on `pendulum
The latest version of this project doesn't have a wheel for Python 3.12, though the project does not seem to specify its incompatibility with 3.12 anywhere. Are there any technical limitations why 3.1…
Could you release the package for Python 3.12.3?
### Description
Python 3.12 is not supported now due to incompatibility of dependencies. For example, function `distutils.util.strtobool` is no longer work (soda\telemetry\soda_telemetry.py)