Hi there,
I was exploring the `rasplib.rasp` file and I was a bit confused with this `count` function.
The function states that
def count(seq,atom) {
return round(
length * a…
Rasp Pi 4 latest Bookworm 64 bit w/GUI. Satdump 1.2.1 installed from website link, [64-Bit ARM (like Raspberry Pi OS; deb)].
Satdump UI opens. Selected Generic rtl-sdr (using either rtl-sdr v4 or n…
Instalar primeiro rasp no Sebastiao da Manga para clonar.
do this
sudo echo "CONF_SWAPSIZE=0" > /etc/dphys-swapfile
when creating an instance should do it.
Hi, Dear iRobot team,
I have an issue with the new Raspberry Pi 5, working with Rasp. CAM3 and Create 3. Since I find a connect guidance on Raspberry Pi 4 in Docs. Could Rasp. 5 also connect the adap…
When I went to export a RASP Engine file, I ran into a validation issue with 2 of the fields.
![No Spaces](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a6683ac9-b345-486d-9fc0-1eeaa7c296d9)
It tur…
Necessita clonar os Raspberry da Mata Fresca.
When I try to run this locally, I get the following error. Can you help me troubleshoot?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cato/RaSP_workflow/RaSP_workflow", line 276, in
Output of `helm version`:
latest arm64
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.16.2", GitCommit:"13654a52f7c70a143b1dd51416d633e1071faffb", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.7"}
Output of `kubect…