I was trying to use TextInputMask in my project but I saw that this component is not a controlled component. When I set a fixed value, I expect that input to not to change no matter what. But …
HI. Could you help me please to solve this problem.
I have this error when running `pod install`
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "react-native-text-input-mask":
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:mergeReleaseNativeLibs'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':app:releaseRuntimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve com.red…
Even after mocking the react-native-text-input-mask. I am getting following error. Please help make out here I am not performing any operations from test suite just rendering the screen.
This is ho…
I have installed `newrelic-react-native-agent` (1.3.7) in my project and started getting run time error as below -
`New Relic detected an unrecognized selector, 'reanimated_viewDidLayoutSubviews', …
We got this error on the `Run fastlane` step of EAS build for iOS:
$ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ./ZionBank.xcworkspace -scheme ZionBank -configuration Debug -destination 'generic/p…
On IOS I get the following error while installing pods
[!] The following Swift pods cannot yet be integrated as static libraries:
The Swift pod `react-native-text-input-mask` depends upon `React…
getting information:
React Native version mismatch.
JavaScript version: 0.71.12
Native version: 0.70.6
And many features like modals/bottom sheet stops working, even Formik validat…
I'm having a bit of a time trying to wrap my head around this.
At first I checked if something is wrong with my mask, However, I've checked the RedMadRobot's documentation, and I've removed $ t…
### Current Behavior
After update to v1.113.0, tamagui config sizes are different between typing and real value, check the example below.
- Interface show `$0` `$0.25`...
- But the value in obj…